Bucharest 2006


  • Dates – Grand Final: Saturday, 02 December 2006 – 20:15 CET
  • Host – Venue & Location: Sala Polivalentă, Bucharest, Romania Sala Polivalentă / Sala Polivalentă din București, in Parcul Tineretului (Bucharest, Romania)
  • Presenter (s): Andreea Marin Bănică & Ioana Ivan
  • Director: Dan Manoliu
  • Executive Producer: Irina Radu
  • Executive Supervisor: Svante Stockselius
  • Multicamera Director: Dan Manoliu
  • Host broadcaster: Televiziunea Română (TVR)
  • Motto: ‘Let the music play’
  • Opening Act – Interval Act: Various circus style dancers and performers including an appearance by Mihai Trăistariu – Ksenia Sitnik, Break-dancing, traditional Romanian dancing (Călușari) and a remix of the last 3 Romanian participants at JESC (Alina Eremia, Noni & Bubu).
  • Participants – Number of entries: 15 ()
  • Debuting countries: Portogallo, Serbia, Ucraina
  • Return: Danimarca, Lettonia, Norvegia, Serbia e Montenegro, Regno Unito
  • Non-returning countries: Cipro
  • Vote – Voting system: Ognuno dei paesi in gara assegna 12, 10, 8 e dal 7 all’1, punti per le proprie dieci canzoni preferite.
  • Winning song: 1f3c6 “Vesenniy Jazz” – Tolmachevy Twins, Russia (1ª)


About. The 2006 Junior Eurovision Song Contest was the fourth edition of the contest. It was held in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, on Saturday 2 December. 15 countries took to the stage, including debuts from Ukraine, Portugal and Serbia, which had become an independent country following the dissolution of the union between Serbia and Montenegro. Denmark, Latvia, Norway and the United Kingdom did not participate. The theme for the show was ‘Let The Music Play’. Mihai Trăistariu, who finished 4th for Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest earlier that year, opened the show. As with the previous year, the interval was provided by the reigning Junior Eurovision winner Ksenia Sitnik from Belarus. The Tolmachevy Twins from Russia won the 2006 contest with the song “Vesenniy Jazz” (Spring Jazz), with Belarus and Sweden in second and third place respectively.

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Paesi partecipanti (Galleria): 

 Ordine Paese Lingua Interprete(i) Canzone  Processo di selezione Posizione Punteggio
01  Portogallo RTP Portoghese Pedro Madeira (Pedro Alexandre Gomes Madeira) Deixa-Me Sentir” (Let me feel) 29 September – Portugal final 14 022
02  Cipro CyBC Greco Louis & Christina (Luis Panagiotou, Christina Christofi, Λούης και Χριστίνα Χριστοφή; Louis & Christina; Louis Panagiotou & Christina Christofi) Agoria, Koritsia” (Αγορια κοριτσια, Boys and girls) 30 September – Cyprus final 08 058
03  Paesi Bassi AVRO Olandese Kimberly (Kimberly Nieuwenhuis) Goed” (Good) 30 September – Netherlands final 12 044
04  Romania TVR Romeno New Star Music (Prince Charming – Cristian Sanda-Gorun, Peter Pan -Teodora Roxana Sima, Spider-Man – Diana Ioana Prepeliţă and Harry Potter – Liviu Mircea Teodorescu) Povestea Mea” (My story) 06 080
05  Ucraina NTU Ucraniano Nazar Slyusarchuk (Назар Слюсарчук) Khlopchyk Rock ‘n’ roll
(Хлопчик рок н рол, Rock ‘n’ roll boy)
20 August – Ukraine semifinal

23 September – Ukraine final

09 058
06  Spagna TVE Spagnolo Dani Fernández (Daniel Fernández Delgado) Te Doy Mi Voz” (I give you my voice) 6 October – Spain final 04 090
07  Serbia RTS¹ Serbo, Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Spagnolo, Russo, Giaponese Neustrašivi Učitelji Stranih Jezika (Неустрашиви Учитељи Страних Језика, Fearless Teachers Of Foreign Languages: Aleksandar “Linge” Šindić, Stefan “Stefi” Perić, Ilija “Sikili” Živković, Aleksa Smiljković, Dalibor Đorđević, Gojko, Tijana Tomić and Jana Mihajlović;  Stefan, Aleksandar, Ilija, Aleksa, Gojko, Tijana, Dalibor and Jana / Алекса, Александар, Далибор, Илија и Стефан, Бланка, Касја-Катарина и Ксенија) Učimo Strane Jezike
(Учимо стране језике, Fearless teachers of Foreign Languages / Studying foreign languages)
1 October – Serbia final 05 081
08  Malta PBS Inglese Sophie Debattista Extra Cute 15 September – Malta final 11 048
09  Macedonia del Nord MKRTV Macedone Zana Aliu (Зана Алиу) Vljubena” (Вљубена, In love) 16 September – Macedonia final 15 014
10  Svezia TV4 Svedese Molly Sandén (Molly My Marianne Sandén) Det Finaste Någon Kan Få” (The best someone could get) 2 September – Sweden final 03 116
11  Grecia ERT Greco Chloe Sofia Boleti Den Peirazei” (Then Pirazi, Δεν πειραζει, It doesn’t matter) 7 October – Greece final 13 035
12  Bielorussia BTRC Russo Andrey Kunets (Андрэй Кунец, Andrey Alexandrovich Kunets, Андрэй Аляксандравіч Кунец) Noviy Den” (Novyi den, Новый день, New day, Новы дзень) 30 September – Belarus final 02 129
13  Belgio VRT Olandese Thor! (Thor Salden) Een Tocht Door Het Donker” (A journey through the dark) 17 September – Belgium semifinal

24 September – Belgium semifinal

1 October – Belgium final

07 071
14  Croazia HRT Croato Mateo Đido Lea 10 050
15 Russia RTR Russo The Tolmachevy Twins (Anastasiya and Maria Tolmachevy, Анастасия и Мария Толмачёвы, Anastasiya Andreyevna Tolmacheva
Maria Andreyevna Tolmacheva, Мари́я Андре́евна и Анастаси́я Андре́евна Толмачёвы)
Vesenniy Jazz” (Весенний джаз, Spring jazz / Vesna, Весна) 01 154

¹ Contains only 2 lines of chorus in Serbian, while 24 lines of verses are mostly sung in English and a few lines are sung in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. Serbia had taken part, in the 2005 contest, as part of Serbia and Montenegro, but this was their first participation as an independent nation.


Transmitirá a 2º semifinal noutro horário. Paesi partecipanti Transmitirá a 1º semifinal em direto. Paesi che hanno partecipato in passato, ma non nel 2006


Scelta della sede: 




Sistema di voto.  

Opening e Interval Acts: 

Postcards / Cartoline. 


  • Danimarca Danimarca: DR annuncia il ritiro dalla competizione per dedicarsi esclusivamente al Melodi Grand Prix Junior, altra competizione canora norvegese per bambini e adolescenti.
  • Norvegia Norvegia: Anche NRK si ritira per il Melodi Grand Prix Junior.
  • Lettonia Lettonia: Il paese si ritira per problemi economici.
  • Regno Unito Regno Unito: Il Regno Unito (ITV) annuncia il ritiro per i bassi ascolti riscontrati.
  • Serbia e Montenegro Serbia e Montenegro: Serbia e Montenegro si separano dopo il referendum per l’indipendenza del Montenegro, avvenuto proprio nel 2006. Debutta al concorso la Serbia Serbia, mentre la nuova Tv nazionale montenegrina (RCTG) declina l’invito. Il Montenegro Montenegro debutterà 8 anni dopo la Serbia, nel 2014.

Debutti falliti: Monaco: Il paese aveva manifestato interesse nel partecipare.

Tabellone dei risultati

scoreboard JESC 2006

Total score
PT 22 7 3
CY 58 3 2 3 5 3 3 3 12 6 6
NL 44 5 8 2 8 6 3
RO 80 6 8 1 4 12 4 2 6 7 7 3 2 4 2
UA 58 5 2 4 6 5 4 8 1 3 8
ES 90 7 5 7 8 6 3 1 8 8 5 7 7 1 5
RS 81 2 4 5 5 7 2 7 10 4 1 5 5 5 7
MT 48 1 1 3 1 1 1 7 5 3 2 4 7
MK 14 2
SE 116 8 7 12 7 8 4 8 10 2 6 10 10 2 10
GR 35 12 1 7 3
BY 129 12 6 4 10 10 8 6 12 5 10 8 6 8 12
BE 71 4 3 8 6 3 5 2 6 1 1 2 4 10 4
HR 50 6 2 10 12 6 1 1
RU 154 10 10 10 12 12 10 12 4 4 12 10 12 12 12
The table is ordered by appearance. All countries automatically receive 12 points

12 puntiA tutti i paesi sono stati assegnati 12 punti all’inizio delle votazioni. Questo è stato così nessun paese ha ottenuto punti nulle.

7 Russia Bielorussia, Belgio, Croazia, Romania, Serbia, Svezia, Ucraina
3 Bielorussia Malta, Portogallo, Russia
1 Croazia ERI di Macedonia
Cipro Grecia
Grecia Cipro
Romania Spagna
Svezia Paesi Bassi

Voto e Portavoce. 

  •  Portugal – Joana Galo Costa
  •  Cyprus – George Ioannidies (Cypriot representative in 2007)
  •  Netherlands – Tess Gaerthe (Dutch representative in 2005)
  •  Romania – Andrea Nastase
  •  Ukraine – Assol Gumenyuk
  •  Spain – Lucía
  •  Serbia – Milica Stanišić
  •  Malta – Jack Curtis
  •  Macedonia – Denis Dimoski (Macedonian representative in 2005)
  •  Sweden – Amy Diamond
  •  Greece – Alexandros Chountas (Greek representative in 2005 with Kalli Georgelli)
  • Belarus Belarus – Liza Anton-Baychuk
  •  Belgium – Sander Cliquet
  •  Croatia – Lorena Jelusić (Croatian representative in 2005)
  •  Russia – Roman Kerimov

Trasmissione dell’evento e commentatori

Paesi partecipanti.

  •  Ukraine – Timur Miroshnychenko (NTU)
  •  Spain – Fernando Argenta and Lucho (TVE)
  •  Belgium – Ilse Van Hoecke and Jelle Cleymans (VRT)
  •  Russia – Olga Shelest (RTR)
  •  Sweden – Adam Alsing (TV4)
  •  Netherlands – Sipke Jan Bousema (AVRO)
  •  Serbia – Duška Vučinić-Lučić (RTS2)
  •  Macedonia – Milanka Rašik (MTV 1)
  •  Cyprus – Kyriakos Pastides (CyBC)
  • Belarus Belarus – Denis Kurian (BTRC)
  •  Greece – Renia Tsitsibikou and George Amyras (ERT)
  •  Portugal – Isabel Angelino (RTP)
  •  Romania – Ioana Isopecu and Alexandru Nagy (TVR1)
  •  Malta – Valerie Vella (PBS)
  •  Croatia – TBC (HRT)

Paesi no partecipanti.

  •  Andorra – TBC (RTVA)
  •  Australia – No commentator (SBS, 1 January 2007)
  •  Bosnia and Herzegovina – TBC (BHRT)
  •  Israel – No commentator (IBA, 8 December 2007)

Altri Paesi. For a country to be eligible for potential participation in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, it needs to be an active member of the EBU. It is currently unknown whether the EBU issue invitations of participation to all 56 active members like they do for the Eurovision Song Contest.

  •  Armenia – Armenian broadcaster ARMTV were negotiating with the EBU to debut. However, plans never came to fruition and they debuted a year later.

Official album. Junior Eurovision Song Contest: Bucharest 2006, is a compilation album put together by the European Broadcasting Union, and was released by Universal Music Group on November 2006. The album features all the songs from the 2006 contest, along with karaoke versions.

JESC 2006 album cover.jpg
RELEASED November 2006
LENGTH 36:05 (CD 1) / 36:05 (CD 2)
LABEL Universal
JESC: Hasselt 2005 → •  Junior Eurovision Song Contest: Bucharest 2006→ • JESC: Rotterdam 2007 →
